Welcome Guests!

Welcome to Holy Trinity!

Our Facilities

Our goal is to be an inclusive community! Our sanctuary is accessible for those with special needs. A gender neutral, handicap accessible restroom is located outside of Fellowship Hall. Large print bulletins are available every Sunday in the entryway to worship. If you have a special need, please let someone know and we will do our best to ensure you are able to worship here!

All are welcome. Please contact the church office so we can support you.

Communion Practice

You are invited to come forward by the center aisle, beginning in the front of the worship area. Both sides will come together to form one line as you move forward. If you are unable to come forward, Pastor Casey will bring communion to you. 

Prepackaged Elements: Prepackaged sets are available in the Narthex by the bulletins and on the table at the front of the worship space. If you would like to commune in this way, you may bring the set forward or pick it up from the table at the head of the isle. When you are in front of Pastor, she will say to you, “This is the body and blood of Christ.” You may consume at that time, move to the side altar rail, or return to your seat to consume there.

Bread: A wafer will be given to you by Pastor followed by the words, “The Body of Christ given for you.” You may pull down your mask and consume there or move to receive the wine/juice and consume at the side altar rail.

Wine of Juice: An assisting minister will be holding a tray of prefilled cups. You will take a cup and the assisting minister will say, “The Blood of Christ shed for you.” Grape juice is white, wine is red. After you have consumed, you will dispose of your cup in the basket at the end of the aisle and return to your seat.

Those not receiving communion, may come forward for a blessing from Pastor.

Please know that all are welcome to the God’s Table of Grace.


Parking is available onsite in front of the church building and near the education wing. We are an ADA handicap accessible church.


Dress as you’re most comfortable. You will see some in dresses and in ties while others will be in jeans and flip flops. Our worship leaders and pastors wear albs (white robes), and our choir members wear blue robes. 

When You Arrive For Worship

You can expect to be greeted as you enter the worship space. Holy Trinity is a community of all ages. Many families with young children, singles, and grandparents attend our church.  Children of all ages are always welcome to worship with the community! We expect to hear their giggles and fidgets as they are part of the Body of Christ. If you need assistance in any way, ask a greeter, usher, or anyone around you for guidance!

Holy Trinity encourages families to worship together. Children are a vital and vibrant component of our congregation. Children’s activity bags are located near the entry of the church. All children are welcome to come forward and join the children’s sermon.

Printed bulletins are provided to help you worship.

We care about you, let us know you are here! Take a moment to fill out the connection card included in the bulletin. If you would like to share your address, phone number, or e-mail, a member of the staff or congregational volunteer will contact you. Holy Trinity is committed to welcoming you and engaging all who worship in the life and ministry of our congregation.

Before and after the service

Holy Trinity seeks to engage all who worship with us. Throughout the year there are times we share food and fellowship before or after worship. Additionally, there are opportunities to engage immediately in service projects that meet pressing needs of local organizations. Feel free to join us anytime whether or not you have interest in becoming a “member.”

How to become a member

There’s no pressure for guests to become members. Feel free to gather with us as long as you like. Guests can participate in just about all of our activities (except voting or holding an office). So take your time, get involved, and get to know the community.

At some point, however, you may be ready to learn more about how to become an active member of our Christian family. If that’s where you are, then read on.